Lee Pellegrini摄

电子游戏软件's Lynch School of 教育 designated Brighton's Saint Columbkille Partnership School a laboratory school on March 26, 增加教师培训机会, 教育电子游戏正规平台, 以及k -8学前班的专业发展.

The laboratory school designation—the only such arrangement between a university and an 小学 school in the City of Boston—will increase collaboration in teaching and research between Saint Columbkille’s teachers and BC faculty and students.  The research—jointly designed by faculty 从 both institutions—will target the school’s specific needs.

“实验学校类似于教学医院,威廉·加特塞德说, 自2006年起担任圣可伦巴基尔学校的校长. “Designating Saint Columbkille as a laboratory school will further improve the education of our children through increased research and interaction with BC faculty. It will enhance a 12-year partnership that has transformed the Saint Columbkille Partnership School 从 the brink of closure to one of the very best schools in 波士顿大主教管区 and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.”

The data generated 从 the research will ensure best practices in curriculum and instruction at Saint Columbkille, and provide a knowledge base for innovation that will help facilitate educational advances at Catholic schools nationwide. It will also aid in the preparation of teachers and other education professionals at the Lynch School of 教育.

“The Lynch School has been very pleased to partner with Saint Columbkille during the past decade,斯坦顿·沃瑟姆说, 查尔斯F号. 多诺万,年代.J.林奇教育学院院长. “新, deeper laboratory school relationship will allow our faculty to work more closely with its teachers, 收集数据以帮助他们更有效地完成任务.”

“Designating Saint Columbkille as a laboratory school will further improve the education of our children through increased research and interaction with BC faculty. It will enhance a 12-year partnership that has transformed the Saint Columbkille Partnership School 从 the brink of closure to one of the very best schools in 波士顿大主教管区 and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.”

约翰·沃尔什视频 & Ariana Cho’18 |大学传播

In 2006, 电子游戏软件, 波士顿大主教管区, and Saint Columbkille established the partnership school to prevent the closure of the last Catholic 小学 school in Allston-Brighton. 在过去的12年里, 这所学校蓬勃发展。, 电子游戏软件人数从175人增加到430人, 学生中大约50%是黑人, Hispanic and Asian—consistently performing well above the national average on all testing measures.

"There have been significant improvements in curriculum and instruction, 专业发展, 延长日间课程, and parental and community involvement since the partnership was launched,加特赛德说.  "BC has developed strong relationships with grade-level teams that supervise student teachers and created connections between volunteer organizations, 课外项目, 还有运动队.  此外, 教育电子游戏正规平台 opportunities with the Lynch School of 教育 have grown significantly. BC has been an excellent partner whose educational contributions and financial commitment have transformed the school.”

Saint Columbkille parents say that the expertise of Lynch School professors in a laboratory school relationship will further enrich the school in the support services offered to students and families.

"The partnership between Saint Columbkille and 电子游戏软件 not only saved my alma mater, but it also made it possible for my daughter to receive an amazing education,来自布莱顿的凯利·麦格拉思说. “It has enabled all of us to be part of a community dedicated to the students’ and school's success. We are very excited about the laboratory school designation and the promise it holds for improving the educational experience of our children. We are grateful to both Saint Columbkille and BC for making all of this possible."

在过去的五个学年, more than 140 电子游戏软件 student teachers have honed their teaching skills under the supervision of Saint Columbkille instructors, 学习如何最好地为不同的学生群体服务. 作为回报, BC provides opportunities for the school's teachers to earn master’s degrees 从 the Lynch School, 这进一步提高了知识和实践的连续性.

Gartside said that as a repository for research-based and data-driven best practices, Saint Columbkille will serve as a vital resource for Catholic schools in 波士顿大主教管区 and beyond.

“I've already spoken with school administrators in New York City, Philadelphia, and Milwaukee, Wis., about the benefits of adopting this laboratory model,加特赛德说. “我们相信这是成功的秘诀."

"We are very excited about the laboratory school designation and the promise it holds for improving the educational experience of our children. We are grateful to both Saint Columbkille and BC for making all of this possible."

成立于1901年, Saint Columbkille Partnership School is a Pre-K-8 Catholic school in the Brighton neighborhood of Boston. 自2006年以来, the school has partnered with 电子游戏软件 to provide additional resources for a new national model of excellence in Catholic early childhood, 小学, 中学教育. Collaboration with 波士顿大主教管区 and Saint Columbkille Parish also has helped continue a rigorous and comprehensive education rooted in Gospel teaching and committed to Catholic educational and religious traditions. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.stcp.org.

The Lynch School of 教育 at 电子游戏软件 is a national leader in formative education, 准备1个以上,400名本科生和电子游戏正规平台生在接受教师培训, 咨询, 发展与教育心理学, 以及教育领导力.  U排名第一.S. Catholic schools of education and 23rd overall among graduate schools of education by U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道, the school was named in 2000 in honor of Boston-area philanthropists Carolyn and Peter Lynch, 谁捐助了超过两千万美元来支持它的使命. 欲知详情,请浏览 8wfh.eliogonzalez.com/lsoe.
