Undocuweek 2024


一般无文件周传单- 1

The 人权和国际司法中心 will be hosting Undocuweek from April 8th through 12th to cultivate awareness, 验收, 和 celebration of undocumented people in the United States 和 at 电子游戏软件. The week will focus on uplifting the voices of those who have navigated undocumentedness, 提供教育资源, 吸引社区成员. The speakers 和 panels will cover a variety of themes including an introduction to immigration issues in the U.S., 和 immigration advocacy in various fields, among others. The events are designed for students 和 faculty with varying levels of knowledge on the issues, including those seeking to learn about migration for the first time, those hoping to incorporate it into their careers, 对于那些有深刻的第一手经验的人. Undocuweek hopes to provide space for connection 和 inspire a continuing culture of open mindedness on campus. 







玛丽帮助, 临床副教授, 移民诊所主任, 以及体验式学习副院长, BC省法学院,  

Andres Castro-Samayoa,高等教育项目主任,博士.D., 和  Associate 教授essor, BC Lynch School of Education & 人类发展,以及

米歇尔Desveaux布鲁斯·亚历山大移民支援联盟, a local coalition of volunteers partnering with resettlement agencies to provide clients with food, 住房, financial 和 social support as they become independent in their new home.

On 4月8日星期一th at 6:00 pm in the Walsh Function room the Center will host an event to introduce the U.美国移民制度, 没有证件意味着什么, 和 a look at historical 和 present realities facing immigrants in Boston. BC Law 教授essor 玛丽帮助 will be will present on the pathways to entry provided by the U.S. immigration system 和 the factors that contribute to immigrants becoming undocumented. Her talk will be followed by two breakout sessions which will dive deeper into the historical 和 contemporary contexts of immigration. One session will be led by 教授essor Castro Samayoa who will explain the history of immigration policy in the United States. The other will be led by a representative 从 移民支援联盟, who will share about their resettlement work in Boston 和 give insights into immigration on a local level. Throughout the event, there will be opportunities to ask questions or submit questions anonymously. 提供食物.

Co-sponsored by the BC Central American Students Organization 和 the Bellarmine Society of 电子游戏软件.


Students Facing Mixed Status-ness: Panel Discussion





On 4月9日星期二th at 2:00 pm in the Newton Room the Center will host a moderated conversation on the experiences of students from mixed status families 和 communities who attended the 2024 Ignatian Solidarity Network's Undocu-Network Summit. 教授. Alej和ro Olayo-Méndez will provide an overview of some of the struggles 和 dangers mixed status 和 transnational families in the United States face 和 some of the various barriers to accessing temporary status or citizenship. 后来, 梅勒妮裴瑞兹, mca的25, will share her experiences 从 Summit which gathered students from Jesuit universities across the country who are undocumented or from mixed status families 和 communities. The Summit provides an opportunity to build communities, share experiences, 和 organize training. She will also discuss her own experiences in a mixed status community 和 how lack of immigration status affects individuals in their day to day lives. 

Co-sponsored by the BC Central American Students Organization 和 the Alpha Sigma Nu Society.


Immigration Advocacy Across Careers: Panel Discussion


On 4月10日星期三th at 6:30 pm in 富尔顿235 the Center will host a panel on migration advocacy in a range of fields. Speakers will share their professional backgrounds in healthcare, 业务, 教育, 和 nonprofits 和 how they engage in migration in their area of expertise. 小组成员包括 艾米丽·霍夫曼 来自马萨诸塞州移民教育项目, 伊米莉亚比安科 Luz洛佩兹 来自波士顿大学社会工作学院, 珍妮特Huezo from United for a Fair Economy, 和 Connell School of Nursing 教授essor 雪莱的白色. This panel seeks to engage those who are passionate about immigration reform but are looking to pursue a career outside of an explicit immigration focused position. Attendees will gain a broader underst和ing of the opportunities to advocate for migrants 和 the intersections of immigration in various fields. 会有一个缓和的Q&A事后和小吃提供. 




All week in the O'Neill Library 1st floor gallery, check out the art exhibit featuring 蝠鲼 由来自墨西哥的寻求庇护者创建, Central America 和 South America provided 和 supported by Artisans Beyond Borders.



There will also be tabling on the Quad 和 Stokes Lawn by the CHRIJ 和 supporting student organizations from 周一下午2点到4点.  我们希望在本周内见到你!