Jesuit Values

耶稣会和天主教的价值观深深植根于我们的文化中,是我们大学遗产的一部分. 他们指导我们所做的一切,从开发新课程到一对一的互动.


Intellectual Inquiry

Sincere Care for Individuals and Communities

搜索 for the Truth in All Things

Using Knowledge in the 服务 of Others

Faith Traditions

Boston College celebrates its Catholicism in many ways, including daily Mass and the annual Mass of the Holy Spirit. 它也欢迎所有信仰传统的人,鼓励学生探索他们的灵性,并参与基于信仰的问题的讨论.

Preparing Principled Professionals

All of our graduate programs incorporate ethical requirements, ensuring we prepare principled professionals. These course offerings have an ethical focus

健康伦理与法律一直是我最喜欢的课程,因为它挑战你在分析关键的道德困境和学习与法律相关的重要道德原则时跳出框框思考. Dr. Beshansky relates classwork to real-world issues, and assignments relate to my future professional work.
Corey Waterhouse '21, Master of Healthcare Administration Student

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