Deadlines & Requirements

Learn more about application requirements and deadlines. Check your program page for specific application details and offered program start terms.

Application Details

Master's Programs

Priority Deadlines:
We strongly suggest applying by your program’s stated priority deadline, which can be found on each program’s webpage. 在优先截止日期前提交完整申请的申请人将确保其申请获得电子游戏软件和奖学金(如果适用)的全面审查。.

Rolling Deadlines:
Some of our programs accept applications on a rolling basis after the priority deadline. If your program participates in rolling admissions, the program’s webpage will list a separate Rolling Admission deadline. Application and scholarship consideration during the rolling application period is always on a space-available basis. 我们建议在滚动期间尽早提交申请,以获得最佳电子游戏软件机会.

Doctoral Programs

Ph.D. Programs

  • Deadline: 12/1
  • Programs start in the Fall semester.

Ed.D. Programs

  • Ed.D. in Educational Leadership (PSAP) Deadline: 2/1
  • Ed.D. in Higher Education Deadline: 12/1
  • Programs start in the Summer semester. 

Certificates & Nondegree Coursework

电子游戏正规平台生课程感兴趣但对攻读学位课程不感兴趣的学生可以申请非学位电子游戏软件(特殊学生身份). 许多人选择特殊学生身份,要么是为了探索他们对学习高级学位的兴趣的严重性,要么是为了加强他们未来学位申请的凭据. Others are interested in taking graduate course work for personal enrichment or professional development. Complete the online application and select "Nondegree Status" in the "Applicant Profile" section. 

* If you are applying to take a course and pay for it with a Field Placement & Partnership Outreach Office voucher, please indicate "nondegree" under both the Intended Program and Intended Concentration sections.  

请注意:国际申请人没有资格获得非学位身份,除非他们目前在另一所美国大学全日制注册.S. institution or they possess a current U.S. Visa that permits them to take graduate-level courses. Please contact the Office of Graduate Admission for clarification.

Although there is no limit to the number of courses a Special Student may take, no more than four courses (12 credits), if appropriate, may be applied toward a degree program in the Graduate School of Education. While admission as a Special Student does not guarantee subsequent admission for degree candidacy, 作为特殊学生学习的课程,在正式被录取并获得学生导师同意后,可以申请学位课程. Certain restrictions apply to courses available to Special Students. 与教师或咨询执照相关的专业课程(包括实习课程)是为这些课程的预科学位学生保留的. A listing of restricted courses is available in the Graduate Office each semester.  Additionally, 非学位学生没有资格获得大学赞助的经济援助来源或任何需要学位课程电子游戏软件的经济援助.


Admission to certificate programs is conducted on a rolling basis. 这意味着申请可以全年提交,一旦收到申请表和所需文件,就会做出决定. Please note: certificate applications close approximately one month prior to the start of classes for a given semester. 我们强烈建议学生在他们想要的第一学期或课程开始之前申请. 

Undergraduate Programs

International Applicants

国际申请人被定义为任何需要学生签证才能在美国学习的人. International applicants are eligible to apply to any graduate program in the Lynch School, 前提是他们已经成功地完成了相当于美国学士学位的课程,并在获得学位的国家获得了相应的文凭和/或令人满意的成绩单或离校考试成绩. 国际申请者必须完成所有特定课程的申请要求以及下面列出的额外要求.


在美国以外完成学位的申请人必须对他们的成绩单进行逐门课程的评估 evaluation company approved by the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES). Submission of falsified documents is grounds for denial of admission or dismissal from the University.

English Proficiency

所有主要语言不是英语的申请人都需要提交令人满意的英语水平证明. At this time, the only acceptable forms of proof for English proficiency are the TOEFL iBT and IELTS Academic test. The minimum score requirement for TOEFL iBT is 100. The minimum score for IELTS Academic test is 7.0.

An official score report must be sent directly from Educational Testing Services (TOEFL). TOEFL School Code: 3240.


Applicants that meet either of the criteria below do not need to submit proof of English proficiency.

  • Applicants who completed an undergraduate or graduate degree from a regionally-accredited institution within the United States
  • 申请人在美国以外的教学语言为英语的机构完成本科或电子游戏正规平台生学位

Designated STEM Programs

以下学位是由国土安全部确定的STEM(科学技术工程和数学)指定项目. 参加STEM学位课程的F-1学生目前有资格在毕业后额外获得24个月的完成后可选实习培训(OPT),共计36个月. 24个月的STEM延期必须在12个月的OPT期结束时申请,并且您和您的雇主必须满足非常具体的标准,才能有资格获得24个月的STEM延期.


Application Timeline

我们强烈建议国际学生在每个项目规定的截止日期前完成申请. If applying during rolling admissions, 我们建议至少在指定电子游戏软件学期开始前3个月申请, in order to allow sufficient time for application review, admission, enrollment, and the student visa process. This means that we recommend international students apply no later than the following: 

  • Spring (January) start: October 15
  • Summer start: February 15
  • Fall start: June 1

Fifth-Year & Early Admission Programs

Fifth-Year & 提前录取计划为学术优秀的电子游戏软件大三学生提供了一个独特的机会,在他们的本科四年级开始电子游戏正规平台生学习, allowing them to graduate with a bachelor’s and master's degree in a shortened amount of time. 在五年级/提前录取项目中被录取的学生将可以申请两门经批准的电子游戏正规平台生课程(6学分),以获得学士学位(120学分)和硕士学位(30学分或以上)。. In consultation with an advisor, a graduate level course may be added each semester onto the student's senior-year schedule. All undergraduate juniors in the Lynch School of Education and Human Development, Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences, Connell School of Nursing, and Carroll School of Management are eligible to apply for these programs.

Available Fifth-Year Programs

Available Early Admit Programs

Given the number of credits required for licensing in Mental Health and School Counseling, both Early Admission Programs and students admitted directly into the M.A. programs typically need six years to complete their B.A. and license-eligible M.A. Mental Health degree (60 credits) or School Counseling (48 credits). 提前录取计划的主要优点是(1)BC三年级学生可以提前获得这些M的临时录取.A. programs, and (2) complete two master's-level courses during senior year.

对五年级或提前录取项目感兴趣的学生应咨询林奇学院电子游戏正规平台生招生办公室, located in Campion 135, during the fall semester of their junior year. Without proper advisement and early acceptance into a master's degree program, students will be unable to complete the program in five years.

Students who have completed some psychology-related coursework, have at least a 3.5 GPA, and have completed some type of practical, field-based or helping experience (e.g., residential advisor, camp counselor, hotline operator, youth worker, etc.), either volunteer or paid, are strong candidates for this program.

Application Process

  • Students must apply by March 1 of their junior year
  • Applicants must meet all standard graduate admission requirements for their program of interest
  • 申请五年级和提前录取项目的申请人可以免除申请费和GRE要求
  • Notification of approval to begin the program is typically made in May by the Office of Graduate Admission
  • If an applicant is not offered admission into the program, they are welcome to re-apply to the master's program upon completion of their undergraduate degree

Full Graduate Student Status

    Upon successful graduation from the undergraduate program, 五年级和提前录取的学生如果保持良好的学术成绩(包括3.5 or higher in their two graduate courses). Early admit students will also need to have engaged in field experience as described above. 学生应该提交成绩单和任何额外的服务工作的文件,如果工作之前没有记录在他们的申请五年级和早期录取计划. Upon final admission, 学生将收到电子游戏正规平台电子游戏软件办公室正式的硕士课程录取通知书.

    Check your program's dedicated page for more details.

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