
的动态 精神上的练习: An Intensive for Spiritual Directors Accompanying Others in the 19th 注释 Retreat

第19条注释 精神上的练习 圣. 罗耀拉的依纳爵, referenced often as the 19th 注释 or Ignatian Retreat in Daily Life, is an increasingly popular retreat option for persons seeking the experience of the 精神上的练习. 第19个注释允许人们完成 精神上的练习 和其他人一起度过了几个月, 进行依纳爵式的祈祷练习, 阅读, 和冥想, 定期与精神导师会面.

The 克拉夫神学与事工学院 offers a week-long summer intensive for spiritual directors seeking a deeper underst和ing of the dynamics of the 精神上的练习 为了更好的陪别人走过 精神上的练习特别是在19世纪th 注释的格式.  It is essential that spiritual directors who accompany others through the 19th 注释 have completed the 精神上的练习 自己.




Fr. Kevin O'Brien is a Jesuit priest who serves as executive director of an innovative two-year associates' degree program in Bridgeport, 康涅狄格州费尔菲尔德大学的新校区. 这一行动, named Fairfield Bellarmine after the patron saint of the university, is aimed at exp和ing access 和 affordability in Jesuit higher education. The program features a core curriculum in the humanities 和 sciences 和 major tracks in business, 计算机科学, 健康电子游戏正规平台, 以及文科. 出生于加拿大,在佛罗里达州南部长大. O’Brien practiced law 和 taught high school before joining the Jesuits in 1996. As a Jesuit, he has taught business law, philosophy, ethics 和 theology on a variety of campuses. Fr. O’Brien also has a long association with the Jesuit Refugee Service, which assists 和 advocates for migrants 和 refugees across the world.

Tomeu Estelrich

Tomeu Estelrich

Tomeu Estelrich is the Director of the Center for Ignatian Spirituality at 电子游戏软件, 同时也在哲学系任教. 他获得了博士学位.D. 教宗大学科米利亚斯(马德里)哲学博士, 西班牙), a Licentiate in Philosophy at the University of Salamanca (西班牙) 和 a Licentiate in Theology at the School of Theology of Catalonia (Barcelona, 西班牙). 他是 科学:Ecología de la Creación, (古巴特别大学出版社,2004年. Second edition 2011) 和 many papers on spirituality 和 the philosophy of Simone Weil. 在被任命为董事之前, 他曾担任耶稣会学院的副院长, 学生培养中心, 和十字路口. In 2022 he taught philosophy at the Central University of Ecuador 和 the Technical University of Loja (UTPL) for two years. 自2006年以来, 他一直是美国威尔协会的成员, 执行委员会成员之一, 2014年至2019年担任副总裁和总裁. 他已婚,有一个儿子. 








申请费 & 金融援助

A non-refundable fee of $75 is required for every degree 和 non-degree application submitted.


  • Pay by credit or debit card via the web; You can pay the application fee at the same time your submit your application form.  然而, if you do not pay the fee at the same time you submit your application, 你可以在晚些时候通过 集市门户. 您必须使用您的BC用户名和密码登录.

  • Pay by check or money order made payable to 电子游戏软件, via regular mail.  Please include your check with a copy of your application form submission confirmation page 和 include your name 和 intended degree program.

请注意: 报名费恕不退还. If you qualify for a fee waiver, you should not pay the fee when you submit the application form. 以下申请人可获减免学费:耶稣会士, 退伍军人, applicants currently completing a year of service or who are Pell Grant-eligible, 以及CSTM在读学生. 我们不会因其他原因而免除申请费.


CSTM承诺为申请人提供经济支持. 在你的申请表上, 请务必填写财务信息部分, 和 also include the amount of support your employer is able to provide.


Applicants should submit a one-page essay addressing the following questions:

  • 请告诉我们你的灵修训练?
  • 你什么时候以什么形式完成了灵性练习?
  • Why do you believe you are being invited to this training experience at this time?


我们需要所有大学的成绩单, 大学, 神学院, 或者你上过的神学院. 每份成绩单应包含所修课程的清单, 成绩/标志收到, 和, 如果适用的话, 授予的学位和学位确认日期. If your college or university will send official transcripts electronically, they can be emailed to stmadm@eliogonzalez.com. Otherwise, transcripts must be mailed 和 be contained in a sealed, signed envelope. 如果官方成绩单不是英文的, 正式文件应提供翻译件. Please alert us if your transcript will be arriving with a different name than the one you are using on your application (e.g. 你的娘家姓). Please note that a transcript is only considered official if received directly from the institution issuing it.

Please note that your application may be reviewed with unofficial copies of your transcripts. 如果你发送非官方的副本, 请注意,如果被录取, 你必须在开始上课前寄送正式副本. 如果您有任何问题,请与我们联系.


对于使用美国签证的申请人.S. 邮政服务:

Chestnut Hill, MA 02467




简历必须作为申请的一部分上传.  It is helpful if you highlight relevant ministry, service, 和 leadership positions you have held.

宗教 & 国际申请者


申请人为天主教教区神父或执事, or members of religious orders must submit a letter of approval 和 financial support from their bishop, 主要的优越, 或省. Please select "Bishop/Major Superior" as the recommender type on the application form.

