
成立于2008年6月, BC’s Clough School of Theology and Ministry is committed to cultivating students’ intellectual, 精神上的, and social growth and to helping them transform into leaders who will serve Catholic and Christian communities through careers within the Church and beyond.



The 电子游戏软件 Clough School of Theology and Ministry (CSTM) is an international theological center that serves the Church’s mission in the world as part of a Catholic and Jesuit university. CSTM is committed to the Catholic theological tradition, which encompasses academic inquiry, 跨学科电子游戏正规平台, 普世对话, 各宗教间的接触, and the engagement of faith and culture.

CSTM prepares its students for leadership in lay and ordained ministries and for service rooted in faith—in increasingly multicultural contexts. Theological research and reflection, 灵性, and 田园 practice are integral to the School’s life and mission.

CSTM提供电子游戏正规平台生课程, including civil and ecclesiastical degrees in theology and ministry, 整合了智力, 精神上的, 田园, 个人的形成. Drawing on the Ignatian tradition and rich diversity of its students, 教师, 和工作人员, CSTM fosters a community that is contemplative, 至关重要的, 和协作. The Clough School reaches out to larger theological and ecclesial communities through scholarly research, 及时的出版物, 部长级实践, 继续教育项目.


Inspired by the vision and practice of Jesus Christ and grounded in the Ignatian tradition, CSTM will educate a generation of theological and ministerial leaders who embody these values:

Forming Christian leaders for a variety of academic and ecclesial contexts and for faith-based service

Engaging in scholarship, 至关重要的 thinking, and the practices of prayer and discernment

Forging collaborative communities of learning and worship

Making accessible the richness of the Catholic and Jesuit theological and 精神上的 traditions

Celebrating inclusivity and respect for difference, and constructive engagement with diversity, including interreligious and ecumenical encounters

Significant Dates in CSTM's 历史



电子游戏软件 was founded in 1863 by the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits) to educate Boston’s predominantly Irish, 天主教移民社区. 几十年来, 电子游戏软件 has become an internationally respected research university and a center of academic excellence.



Founded in 1922 as a center of philosophy for the New England Province of the Jesuits, Weston College expanded to offer theological studies to men preparing for ordination, and then later to women religious and lay men and women, as the Weston Jesuit School of Theology.


新约摘要 First Published

现在进入了第七个十年, NTA, CSTM的出版物, has become the definitive source on current literature devoted to research of the New Testament and the times in which it was formed, and an invaluable resource for scholars, 图书馆员, 神职人员, 以及世界各地的学生.


Boston Theological Institute Forms

Weston College joined with five other theological schools in 1967 to form the Boston Theological Institute. The consortium gives students access to the rich diversity of theological academia, including cross-registration opportunities, 在波士顿.



1971年夏天, BC opened the Institute for Religious Education and Pastoral Ministry, which offered hands-on ministerial training to men and women throughout New England and beyond.



C21 Online was created in 2003 as a way to further increase access to theological continuing education. Today, as CSTM Online: Crossroads, the program reaches over 2,000 online learners each year.



Weston Jesuit School of Theology and the IREPM joined to offer a full array of ministerial and theological courses and degrees.



On 2015年9月16日, 湖街9号 on the Brighton Campus, CSTM的总部, was dedicated in recognition of Gloria M. 和安东尼C. 辛波利,1950年,B.A., M.A. '50.


新混合动力M.A. 程序

Designed for students wishing to continue their current ministries while pursuing a degree, 混合动力车M.A. combines on-campus summer courses and online for-credit courses.



On 2018年6月1日, the 电子游戏软件 School of Theology and Ministry celebrates its 10th anniversary.


School of Theology and Ministry named for 电子游戏软件 benefactors Gloria and Chuck Clough

On 2024年3月20日 we celebrated the naming of the Gloria L. 查理一世. Clough School of Theology and Ministry in honor of two of the University’s most loyal and generous benefactors.
