What Is 耶稣会 Education?

Learning to find God in all things, advocating for the poor and underserved, 用严谨的学术电子游戏正规平台来参与全球问题——这些都是耶稣会教育的几个特点, inspired by the life and teachings of St. Ignatius Loyola.

The Ignatian Approach

借鉴依纳爵的精神和教育传统,有助于我们迎接时代的挑战 魔法师: to be ever more attentive, 反光, 当我们认真电子游戏正规平台神学时,为别人爱女人和男人——被理解为“寻求理解的信心”(圣. 安塞姆).

Who are the 耶稣会士?

A Basque courtier and soldier, Iñigo de Loyola在1521年的潘普洛纳战役中受了重伤. During convalescence, 他经历了一次深刻的精神转变,开始了他对上帝和服务的终身承诺. Under his direction, the Society of Jesus established schools and, 随着时间的推移, emerged as the largest religious order in the Catholic Church. From his personal experience and prayer, St. 依纳爵罗耀拉阐述了一个寻找上帝和自我的指南 Spiritual Exercises 几个世纪以来,它使个人在信仰和意愿上成长,为上帝更大的荣耀而工作. 今天,耶稣会在100多个国家传道.

What distinguishes the Ignatian tradition?

The Ignatian tradition, originating mostly from St. Ignatius Loyola's Spiritual Exercises, 强调在万事万物中寻找神——每一天都能在我们的生活中看见神的同在. 依纳爵的传统——既是一种灵性,也是一种存在方式——的特点是:

耶稣会士 & Social Justice

St. Ignatius Loyola emphasized improving the world through education, advocacy for the poor, 以及传教工作——为耶稣会致力于缩小贫富差距开创了先例, combatting hatred, 并帮助那些遭受痛苦或仍在遭受痛苦的人康复.

What kinds of work do 耶稣会士 focus on?

In 2019, 教会建立了四个普世使徒优先事项——服务上帝和世界的重点领域. These include showing the way to God, 陪伴年轻人创造充满希望的未来, caring for our common home, and walking with the poor, the outcasts of the world, 还有那些尊严受到侵犯的人——为了和解与正义的使命.

How does CSTM address racial justice?

At the conclusion of a school-wide assessment involving 教师, 工作人员, administrators, 学生, 和校友, CSTM种族和民族委员会制定了《电子游戏正规平台》, which established four focus areas:

课程 & 教育学: CSTM课程要求学生与有色人种学者接触,并为多种族和多元文化社区服务. 

形成 & 培训: CSTM社区围绕种族不公正问题进行批判性反思和诚实对话,并致力于创建种族公正的信仰社区.

Representation: 学生, 教师, 工作人员, and administrators reflect the multiracial, multicultural communities that make up the global church.

Communication & Accountability: CSTM publications, 报告, physical spaces, 社会环境定义了我们作为一个种族公正的神学机构的承诺和身份.

Contemplatives in Action

耶稣会士是行动中的修行者,他们运用严谨的学术和持续的知识探索来应对世界上最紧迫的挑战. 耶稣会士 look inward and turn outward, 透过事工和服务,将他们的反思转化为行动 to the Church and world. 上帝赋予了我们每个人天赋和抱负,让我们通过一生为他的爱和正义的愿景服务, 培养, 传下来的, and practiced in the context of an ecclesial community.

What do we mean by "ministry"?

事奉是根植于信仰的服务,并以天职感为标志. 这样的领导力可以以我们传统上理解为事工的方式表现出来:在教区工作, teaching theology/religion, or serving as a chaplain in a school or hospital. 我们对事工的理解包括这些途径,并超越它们. 对我们来说, 教育部与我们学生的背景和经历一样多样化,包括学院, social services, non-profit work, and even digital media.
a teacher stands in front of 学生

Learn about supervised ministry at CSTM.


