Pope Francis: A Man of His Word

Boisi event

Film Screening and Panel Discussion

Peter Folan, S.J.
Boston College

Mary Ann Hinsdale, IHM
Boston College

Theresa O'Keefe
Boston College

Date: September 12, 2018

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A documentary by renowned German filmmaker Wim Wenders, Pope Francis: A Man of His Word offers a candid and unconventional look at the Catholic pope, who has captivated the world, and continues to invigorate the role and vision of the modern Catholic church. 这部电影让我们有机会听到方济各用自己的话谈论他的教皇生涯, in an intimate format: if the viewer suspends disbelief for even a moment, it is as though he or she were sitting in the same room as the pope. The Boisi Center is proud to offer a screening of this compelling documentary, with a panel discussion to follow. 

Speaker Bios

Peter Folan

Peter Folan, S.J., is a doctoral candidate in systematic theology at Boston College. His research focuses on the use of Scripture in theological reflection, specifically in the theological reflection that accompanies ecumenical dialogue. He holds degrees from the University of Notre Dame, Fordham University, and Boston College's School of Theology and Ministry. Currently, he is a teaching fellow in the theology department, serving this year as an instructor in the course Exploring Catholicism, one of the theology core courses available to BC undergraduates.

Mary Ann Hinsdale

Mary Ann Hinsdale, IHM, is an associate professor of theology at Boston College. A sister of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Hinsdale writes and teaches in the areas of ecclesiology, Christology, theological anthroplogy, and feminist theology. Current research focuses around multidisciplinary approaches to Catholic Studies, the use of participatory action research in theological reflection on the U.S. 天主教的经验,以及抹大拉的玛利亚作为女性教会领导的资源. Hinsdale has authored numerous articles and book chapters, and a recent book is Women Shaping Theology (Manwah, N.J., Paulist Press, 2006). Hinsdale received her Ph.D. in Systematic Theology from the University of St. Michael's College in Toronto; her S.T.L. in Systematic Theology (magna cum laude) from Regis College; her M.A. from the The Catholic University of America; and her B.A. from Marygrove College in Detroit, MI.

Theresa O'Keefe

Theresa O'Keefe 是电子游戏软件神学与事工学院青年实践与青年信仰的副教授, where she also leads the Contextual Education program, in which students use field opportunities to develop their praxis. 这两个重点都是她在天主教教区及其周围工作的多年经验所塑造和影响的, schools and dioceses. Her current research interests include, youth and young adult faith; developmental theory; feminist theology; ministerial and educational formation; and Catholic-Jewish dialogue. 她最近的出版物是《电子游戏软件》, Journal of Youth Ministry, Vol 13, no. 1 (Fall 2014), 63-84. 和《电子游戏软件》,发表于 At the Heart of Education: Chaplaincy, Guidance and Pastoral Care (Dublin: Vertias Publications, 2014). O'Keefe received her M.Ed. and Ph.D. from Boston College and her B.A. (with honors) from the University of Toronto. 

Event Photos

Boisi event

从左至右:Jack Nuelle, Mary Ann Hinsdale, hm, Theresa O'Keefe和Peter Folan, S.J. The four discussed the film "Pope Francis: A Man of His Word,在博伊西中心主任临时助理杰克·纽埃尔主持的一场讨论中说.

Boisi event
Boisi event
Boisi event
Boisi event

Photos by MTS Photography

Event Recap

对于2018-2019学年的第一次活动,博伊西中心欢迎彼得·福兰,S.J. (Boston College), Mary Ann Hinsdale, IHM (Boston College), and Theresa O’Keefe (Boston College STM) for a screening of Pope Francis: A Man of His Word, a 2018 documentary by German filmmaker Wim Wenders. Following the screening, 导演临时助理杰克·努埃尔引导小组成员进行讨论,讨论时而回顾电影,时而更广泛地讨论教皇弗朗西斯的教皇身份. Each panelist gave their initial reactions, 欣斯代尔评论道,方济各似乎是一名天主教徒,尤其是在梵蒂冈第二次大公会议及其爱的信息中形成的, service, dialogue, and difference. O’Keefe echoed Hinsdale’s sentiment, 谈到教皇的角色正在发生变化,因为它日益成为一个适合谈论全球性问题的平台. 她强调了方济各的勇气,他在向世界各国领导人发表讲话时,以极大的权威说出了贫困和气候变化等问题. Folan and Hinsdale both initially commented on the exhaustive nature of the film, in its scope of Francis’ activities as well as the length of the film itself.

The discussion moved to the topics Francis addressed and those left unsaid. 小组成员指出,这部电影不仅是在最近针对弗朗西斯的指控之前上映的, but also that Francis’ interviews were subject to editing and directorial review. With this in mind, 所有三位小组成员都对电影所描绘的主题的广度表示满意, while questioning the depth and specifics of Francis’ answers, particularly regarding the role of women and the problem of clerical abuse. 欣斯代尔指出,我们判断教皇方济各是否是“信守诺言的人”可能还为时过早,她对教皇回答妇女角色问题的方式感到不安. O’Keefe agreed, 他说,很明显,导演选择关注其他问题作为这部作品的核心,并让教会站在倾听的立场上, but it left these remaining topics to seem like “cameo appearances”. Folan concluded that while he appreciated that they were at least addressed, 他不喜欢方济各答复中关于对话重要性和对神职人员虐待的回应的具体措辞. 他认为方济各对最后一个问题的回应是把这个问题看作是偶发的, not systemic.

That issue was the topic of the final section of the night, 首先,最后一个问题是,现在是否应该以不同的方式看待这部电影, post-allegations, returning later with audience questions. Folan stressed that Francis showed authentic anger at the problem, but it is difficult to translate that into direct action. Hinsdale agreed, 提到教皇对洞察力的强调常常导致谨慎但缓慢的行动. O’Keefe, responding to these critiques, 强调这部电影更注重展现弗朗西斯作为一个人而不是一个官僚领导人的形象. As Hinsdale mentioned, the film was almost hagiographic in its style. 晚会结束时,我们的小组成员讨论了辅助和权威在教会问责制和改革中的作用, agreeing that we have and want to retain an ordered church, but wondering if that order needs to be quite so hierarchical.

Read More


Ambrogetti, Francesca and Sergio Rubín. Pope Francis: Conversations with Jorge Bergoglio. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 2013.

Gaillardetz, Richard. An Unfinished Council: Vatican II, Pope Francis, and the Renewal of Catholicism. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2015.

Francis, Pope. 《电子游戏正规平台》. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2015.

Faggioli, Massimo. Pope Francis, Tradition in Transition. New York: Paulist Press, 2015.

Wenders, Wim. The Logic of Images. Trans. Michael Hofmann. London: Faber, 1990.


Boudway, Matthew. "Worthy of His Name: Wim Wenders Discusses 'Pope Francis: A Man of His Word." Commonweal, June 1, 2018.


Wim Wenders. Paris, Texas. Film. 1984.

Wim Wenders. Wings of Desire. Film. 1987.

In the News

Read a review of the event in BC’s The Torch.

In a May issue of The New Yorker, Paul Elie reviews Wim Wenders' film Pope Francis: A Man of His Word. 埃利形容这部电影捕捉到了“一种接近的美学”,反映了“基督教的核心奥秘——上帝成为人类的信念”, the father sending his son—is about the divine effort to draw nearer to humanity, and vice versa.“文德斯”描述了制作这部电影的任务,即通过在圣弗朗西斯的形象中反映教皇弗朗西斯,为观众捕捉这种亲密感. Francis of Assisi, "the apostle of the ear."